Cocina saludable y con sabores-Ensalada de espinacas al limón y miel


Una fuente de fibras, minerales y vitamines llena de frescura y sabores sutiles…

Tiempo de preparación : 10 minutos

Para 4 personas:

200 g de espinacas

1 manzana

1 cucharadita de mostaza en grano

1 cucharadita de vinagre de sidra

1 cucharadita de miel liquida

2 cucharadas de aceite de girasol

1 limón sin tratar

1 cucharada de uvas pasas

Sal y pimiento molida


Lavar y escurrir las espinacas. Secarlas con un paño y cortar las hojas en tiras.

Lavar la manzana, cortarla en cuartos, quitarle las pepitas y, finalmente, cortarla en láminas finas.

Mezclar la mostaza y el vinagre de sidra en un cuenco. Añadir la miel y el aceite de girasol. Mezclar bien y salpimentar.

Lavar el limón, secarlo y rallar la mitad de la piel.

Disponer en una ensaladera las espinacas y las láminas de manzana. Añadir las uvas pasas y la ralladura de limón. Rociar con la salsa y mezclar bien, Servir immediatamente.



Tres recetas de detox de primavera

detox nostresslifestyle llaurendon

Tres recetas de detox de primavera


Sopa detox de miso

Preparación : 5 minutos

Para 1 persona :

1 cuarto de cucharadita de miso de cebada o arroz

1 taza de agua caliente

2 pizcas de jengibre en polvo

2 pizcas de semillas de sésamo

1 pizca de pimienta

Disponer el miso en la taza. Verter el agua caliente y añadir el jengibre,  las semillas de sésamo y la pimienta.

Mezclar todo y beber caliente.

Es importante saber :  La sopa de miso es tradicional de Japón. Se puede beber en el desayuno, a medio día y en la cena. Es una excelente base  que ayuda a limpiar y reequilibrar el sistema digestivo.

El miso, el jengibre en polvo y las semillas de sésamo se pueden comprar en tiendas de productos naturales ecológicos.


Tartar detox y sabores con algas de mar

Preparacion : 10 minutes

Se prepara 1 hora antes

Sin cocción

Para 2 personas:

4 cucharadas de algas secas de mar tipo Dulse o una mezcla de “ensalada del mar”

2 cucharadas de agua caliente

2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva

1 cebolla

1 manojo de perejil

2 pizcas de pimienta

4 pizcas de curry dulce en polvo

6 galletas de espelta hinchada.

Colocar las algas secas en un plato hondo y verter el agua caliente. Incorporar a continuación  el aceite de oliva y mezclar todo muy bien.

Pelar la cebolla y cortarla en trocitos muy pequeños.

Lavar el perejil y cortarlo muy fino.

Agregar la cebolla y el perejil cortado en la mezcla de algas, añadir la pimienta y el curry. Mezclar todo muy bien y dejar que repose una hora en un lugar frio.

Untar las galletas de espelta con el tartar elaborado  y servir.

Es interesante saber : Las algas, muy ricas en minerales y oligoelementos, en vitaminas, en enzimas, clorofila y substancias antisépticas, concentran en un pequeño volumen los principios activos del agua de mar. Tienen un elevado potencial de limpieza y estimulación del sistema digestivo y urinario y revitalizan todo el organismo.

Evitar las algas  en caso de hipertiroidismo.

La espelta es una variedad de trigo cultivado desde hace miles de años. Es mucho más rico en principios nutritivos que el trigo y de más fácil digestión.

Estudios recientes han demostrado que contiene una substancia, el tiocianato, que participa en la regeneración celular y estimulación  del sistema inmunitario.

Las algas y la espelta se pueden comprar en tiendas de productos naturales ecológicos.


Infusion detox con cúrcuma

Preparación: 2 minutes

 1 taza de agua caliente

1 cuarto de cucharadita de cúrcuma en polvo

Poner el cúrcuma en la taza y verter el agua caliente. Mezclar y beber.

Es interesante saber :

El  cúrcuma, muy conocido en la medicina tradicional en Asia, es utilizado para limpiar el higado. Tiene propiedades antiinflamatorias y antisépticas muy potentes y estimula el sistema inmunitario. Se utiliza fresco o seco en  forma de polvo.

En un  día de detox se puede beber 4 tazas de infusión de cúrcuma .

Zen spirit Spring detox recipes

Zen spirit spring detox recipes 


Spring is a time of regeneration in Nature. And in order to get more energy and increase wellness, spring is the good time in many traditions to clean the house as well as the body, the mind and the spirit. Today, we call detox this ancient tradition of healthcare.

Experiencing a one day spring detox can be an easy to do and very efficient way for enjoying a pause with yourself. Make a peacefull day and allow yourself to slowdown, going out in nature for a walk by nature, enjoying silence ,  making deep breaths, stretching or making yoga or Taichi

And here are 3 recipes inspired from the asian traditions of the art of living with various and subtle savors to taste for your day.

Detox miso soup

Preparation : 5 minutes

For 1 person

¼ of small spoon of rice or barley miso

1 cup of warm water

2 pinches of ginger (powder)

2 pinches of sesam seeds

1 pinch of black pepper

Put the miso into a cup and add warm water, the ginger, the sesam seeds and the black pepper. Mix and serve it.


Savory detox sea Tartare

Preparation : 10 minutes

Best to prepare at least one hour before. No cooking.

For 2 persons :

4 large spoons of dried seaweeds ( Dulse or a mix of different seaweeds)

2 large spoons of warm water

2 large spoons of olive oil

4 handsfull of parsley

2 pinches of black pepper

4 pinches of sweet curry (powder)

6 spelt cakes

Put the seaweeds in a large bowl and add the warm water. Then add the olive oil and mix well.

Peel the onion and slice it finely. Rinse the parsley and cut it very finely.

Add the onion and the parsley into the bowl with curry and black pepper and mix well.

Then put the preparation into the fridge for at least one hour.

Serve the sea tartare with the spelt cakes.

  • Seaweeds are extremely rich in micronutriments and also very efficient for cleaning and stimulating the digestive system and revitalizing the whole body.

Do not take them in case of hyperthiroidie.

  • Spelt is a very ancient cereal, easy for digestion and also very rich in nutritive principles. Recent studies also show that spelt is active for the immune system.


Detox curcuma infusion

Preparation : 2 minutes

1 cup of warm water

¼ of a small spoon of curcuma (powder)

Put the curcuma into a cup, add warm water, mix and drink.


Curcuma, a wellknown spice in traditional asian medecines, is commonly used for cleaning the liver when necessary.

It has antinflammatory an antiseptical properties and stimulates the immune system.

For your one day detox, you can drink 4 cups of this infusion.

Inner and outer beauty-Xmas season body and soul peaceful pause

As during Xmas holidays, we somethimes  over-do  and over-organize too much, slowing down for a while and making a pause at home may be a very simple and beautiful gift for you and your loved ones around.  

It may be as simple as sitting in your sofa, shutting down your smartphone and your tablet, light a candle and create a peaceful atmosphere by doing so,  then quietly relax your back and your shoulders and make some conscious breathing like this one which is truely useful when overtired or feeling overstressed  : “I deeply expire the old and I inspire the new “.

Then enjoy an all natural homemade beauty  to nourish your skin in a smooth and truly comforting way. 
grenadePomegranate is a fabulous fruit wellknown for its highly regenerating, detoxifying and anti-aging great effects since antiquity as egyptian women already appreciated it very much and used it as an essential product for taking care of their inner and outer beauty. 

  • Preparation : 5 minutes
  • 1 pomegranate 
  • Cut the top of the pomegranate with a sharp and small knife then separate it in four pieces. Extract the seeds of a quarter of the pomegranate with the help of a small spoon and put them in a bowl. Press the seeds with your fingers to extract the juice, soak a cotton with the pomegranate juice and gently apply to your face and your neck. Then relax, eat slowly the fresh pomegranate seeds left and savore while quietly listening to some cool music for about 15 minutes. Then gently clean your face and your neck with some rose water.

Tip to regenerate : if you want to make a detox diet pause in order to cleanse your liver and kidneys  before or after Xmas time, eat one pomegranate per day during one week.

You will find more natural body and mind beauty tips and recipes in my book "Mon petit atelier beauté" published by Ouest France.

Continue reading “Inner and outer beauty-Xmas season body and soul peaceful pause”

5 advices for a happy detox spring cure


Spring is the perfect time to clear your body and mind and boost your shape !

What is a detox spring cure ?

A detox spring cure helps the body to purify itself of toxins stocked along the winter time while we have been eating more sugary and fat foods.

The process is to stimulate organs like liver, kidneys or skin that are co-actors of toxin elimination process.

This process was well known by our grand-mothers who drunk herbal teas or ate dandelion salad to detox their liver when necessary.

The spring cure has been practised since the ancient times and Hippocrates, the occidental medicine father, gave cures and frictions treatments to his patients to help them rejuvenate.

In Asia, the chinese traditional medicine and the aryuvedic indian medicine have been advising people to do internal cleansing at season’s changes to preserve their vitality.

1 A program just for you

Decide what is the most suitable time for your detox spring cure.

It has to be easy to bring into your professional and personal planning : 1 day or a long week-end (for a start, this is ideal), one week (very efficient) or 3 weeks (the classic one).

2 Drink warm water

  • Start when you wake up in the morning by drinking a glass of warm water.

This is a highly effective way to clean up your intestines after the night by gently stimulating the transit

3 Rub your body

  • In the morning, rub all your body with a special towel on dry skin, by starting from your feet up to the shoulders and arms. This will help your body to get rid of toxins and will stimulate circulation.

4 Eat simple and natural

Fresh seasonal  fruits and vegetables will be the base of your diet.

This is the perfect time to enjoy radishes, green peas, young carrots, spring onions, strawberries…

Prepare colourful soups, salads and fresh juices.

  • Choose especially fruits and vegetables that clean liver, kidneys and intestine like artichokes, asparagus, lettuce, onion, black radish, grapefruit, orange, apple…
  • You may either choose to make either a vegetarian pause or either prefer to eat some chicken and fish. Also, seaweeds do have detox effects.
  • Heat for cooking will be preferably low using a steam-cooker. Or you may use a very quick fry with a wok pan.
  • And of course, avoid all kind of processed food, with chemical additives, bad fat and sugars like pizzas, cakes, biscuits… Also do not drink alcohol or coffee while doing the detox cure.

5 Take a time to breathe by nature

Physical exercises and breathing are an essential part in a detox process. And spring is also a time to detox the mind.

  • Whenever possible, go out in the sun for walking, running and doing some stretching.
  • Every day, allow yourself to enjoy a 5 minutes break by nature and appreciate the unique beauty of flowers and trees in spring time. Even if you live in a big city, enjoying a time in a garden is possible. Look for it !
  • Breathe slowly and deeply : first exhale fully and inhale slowly then bring your attention to the sound of the wind in the leaves of the trees or to the bird songs and enjoy this moment ! This is yours !

And do not forget the essential key : take your time and enjoy the process !